
COVID-19 Pandemic Plan

The purpose of this page is to provide guidance to all employees with respect to Beacon Lite (Ottawa) Ltd’s rules and requirements with respect to COVID-19.  It is the intention of the company to protect the health of all workers that may be affected by COVID-19. This policy applies to all persons on duty performing work for the Company (including an employee, contractor, leased driver, casual and intermittent driver) who is engaged in work on behalf of Beacon Lite.

A pandemic disease will spread rapidly and easily from person to person, affecting all businesses due to absenteeism.  Businesses that are relied upon by other businesses will be facing the same massive absentee rates and will be unable to provide essential components to maintain the daily operations.

The procedures and rules are:

  • If staff are sick they are to stay home and immediately inform their supervisor.
  • Handshaking, fist-bumping and elbow bumping is not permitted.
  • If staff have the symptoms of COVID-19, or if someone living in the same dwelling or if someone they have had direct contact with has a presumptive case of COVID-19 the worker is to immediately inform their supervisor and then complete a mandatory 14 Day Self Quarantine.
  • If staff travel outside of the country, they are to complete a mandatory 14 Day Self Quarantine after their return.
  • Staff are to wash their hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water. Follow the Ottawa Public Health hand washing instructions (or similar instructions) posted in all Beacon Lite washrooms.
  • External meetings are to be conducted only via telecommunication, no face to face meetings are permitted. Site visits for the purposes of work can be conducted so long as physical and social distancing can be maintained.
  • Open doors with your closed fist or hip and use only your knuckle to touch the light switches.
  • Maintain social and physical distancing – keep at least 6 feet (2 meters) away between you and others.
  • If social and physical distancing cannot be maintained staff are to wear masks.
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your elbow bent or with a handkerchief. If you are experiencing a fever, cough and shortness of breath, please stay home, notify your supervisor, and call a healthcare professional or the Ottawa Public
  • Health line immediately at 613-580-6744.
  • All staff are to sanitize and clean their work station prior to work for the day and at the conclusion of work for the day.
  • Whenever possible only one occupant is to be present in our vehicles, should other occupants be required to travel in the same vehicle all occupants are to wear a mask for the duration of the trip.
  • Limited remote working privileges will be extended to office staff, please consult with your manager for clarification if this applies. Positions are to be evaluated with Management to determine if they can possibly be performed remotely should it be required.
  • Our facilities are to be closed for entry by the public, for any pickups and purchases of equipment Beacon Lite will implement a “Pickup at the Curb” policy.

Flexible work policies may be implemented when possible, Workers shall stay at home when ill, and when having to care for ill family members. The Company reserves the right to make amendments to this Policy as required from time to time, this policy will be re-communicated if any amendments are made.